Sunday, March 20, 2005

letter to Rep. Jim Kolbe re Terri Schiavo

Mr. Kolbe,

Please do everything you can to defend the life of Terri Schiavo from being starved to death. According to a first hand witness account, by one of the Schinders' attorneys, Terri SPOKE on Friday, trying to save herself. You can read that account here:

Therefore, this is not a "right to die" case. Terri herself wants to live!

I'm tellin' you, all of America feels raped by Michael Schiavo, George Felose, and Judge Greer, who are asking us to stand by and twiddle our thumbs while our government overules Terri's wishes and our wishes, and starves an innocent woman to death. What are we dying for in Iraq if we have Starvation Bunkers within our own borders?

Please strongly defend Terri's life, and strongly oppose Rep. Earl Blumenaur of Oregon (the state that kills the sick and infirm), who wants to force us all to stand by while one rogue judge thumbs his nose at all of us to kill Terri Schiavo.

Thank you very much,

Suzanne (last name)


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