Saturday, April 02, 2005

Well Hell's Bells, Mel!

Re: Mel Gibson blasts Florida Bishop Lynch for not defending Terri
Article Here.

Well hell's bells, Mel. American Catholics have long learned to be cynical and expect very little from American bishops and cardinals in the fight for life and human dignity in this country, over abortion, and now over euthanasia. It has been ever thus, that the laity lead the charge, and only when the train pulls out of the station do the clergy pick up their skirts and run after us, if then. This is nothing new. Perhaps you are only surprised because you grew up in Australia. We love you, Mel, but the American Church has been rotting from the inside for decades now.

Perhaps that's why the Vatican itself spoke out. It knew the leadership of the American Church was too lukewarm (see Rev. 3:15-17) to take any stand at all. Ya know what I heard from the altar this past Easter, while all of us were being slapped up and down by the courts? A schlock homily of "Rest Easy, Be Happy, God is in Control". Sure He is, but Terri was still suffering brutally 10 days into it, and we were all suffering with her. Would he have told the Mother of God to essentially get over it and abandon following her Son on His Way of the Cross?

No, only JUSTICE for TERRI will comfort me.

Mel, we love you, but I'm sorry you are surprised by all this.


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