Monday, March 21, 2005

Internet is starving Main Stream Media to death

There is a REASON MSNBC's ratings are soooooo low.  People know they are being lied to, and they just don't waste the time watching them anymore.  Nor CNN.

Nor ABC, NBC, or ... heh heh heh.... CBS.

I'd like to hear how BBC's interview with BlogsForTerri went last night.  Europe knows bloggers brought down the hallowed Dan Rather.  Europeans now have figured out that the power of the internet (and you blessed bloggers) have lifted up Terri Schiavo.

Ignore MSNBC's nasty little article against PVS patients recovering. I guarantee you, MORE people heard Kate Adamson's amazing story (of coming out of diagnosed PVS) on Sean Hannity's radio show 2 or 3 days ago, than will ever read MSNBC's piece of trash.

I love these stories:

Kate Adamson, formerly diagnosed PVS, now largely recovered
and she's got a beautiful brand new header on that web site!

Rus Cooper-Dowda, Florida teacher formerly diagnosed PVS, fired for supporting Terri Schiavo on her own time:
her recovery story here:

Susan Edsell's story of her father's recovery from severe stroke, in order to get back into the cockpit:

And of course the Sarah Scantlin case.

Anyway, I love it.  The Internet is killing main stream media.... with a slow excruciating death, starved to death of viewers.


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