Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Argentina's Shining Light

In a case nearly identical to Terri Schiavo's, an Argentinian court has ruled to presume that everyone wants to be, and ought to be, fed. Story here.

Some commenters on that page thought such a post would only insult American judges, since Argentinian law carries no authority here.

But hey, this isn't about Argentina courts having any sway over American courts. This is about exposing which countries have good human rights records, and which countries have poor human rights records. I live in the U.S., where obviously we have begun publicly starving our disabled citizens to death. I will never again feel the same about my country, where individual's human rights are so easily set asside. I've written to European friends how ashamed I am of my country now.

Something has disasterously broken down here, and we have to fix it. If Argentina's presumption that everyone wants to be and should be fed can be a shining light for us, then so be it.


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand now, Suzanne what you are saying on Blogsfor Terri! I had to follow you to your blogsite to see how you were thinking it possible to promote (in our poor mixed up country) that everyone deserves to eat and drink (like that should even be a question in the first place!) and that people should not even have the right to refuse food and drink. But yes, I remember Argentina now, thanks to you! It is a shining light!

How could we begin to go about promoting this idea everywhere, legally, culturally, constitutionally (in addition to blogging, which I think you are right is a big part of it)?

I am trying to put together action item ideas to send to life groups, to Father Pavone who helped Terri's family, to Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia, Right to Life, etc. concerning the cases of withdrawing food and liquids here in our country.

I want your thought concerning it not even being a question of if it is allowable to withhold food and water to be at the forefront of what I send out.


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