Thursday, June 02, 2005

Governor Bush & President Bush

Regarding the case of murdered Florida 9-year old Jessica Lunsford, Bill O'Reilly tonight thinks he can get a drum beat going to get the feds involved somehow, because the Florida DA is refusing to prosecute those three Charles Addams rejects who were co-occupants of a small trailor with John Cooey while he was holding captive, raping, torturing, and burying her alive. Since the Florida DA doesn't have the cajones to presecute (we don't know why), and Governor Jeb Bush doesn't have the cajones to make the DA do his job (we don't know why), O'Reilly thinks if he keeps pressing and pressing and pressing from his multimedia electronic soapbox, that eventually, the feds will have to do something about pressing charges.

Not on a bet.

I couldn't hold back. I sent him a "pithy comment":

Mr. O'Reilly,

Didn't we learn anything from the Terri Schiavo case? If Jeb Bush won't step in and force Florida state employees to do their jobs in horrible nationally reknown cases such as the Terri Schiavo or Jessica Lunsford case, there is no way on God's earth that George Bush is going to ride in on a white horse, step on Jeb's toes, and send the Feds in instead. It just ain't gonna happen. He won't emasculate his own brother like that.

Ya shoulda known betta.

Suzanne <last name>
<nameyatow, nameyatown, nameyatown>


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