Sunday, March 27, 2005

to the Speaker of the House

Mr. Hastert,

Concerning Terri Schiavo, if you read the investigative reports available at The Empire Journal , you will see that besides the Contempt of Congress that Judge Greer committed by nullifying Congress' subpoena to Terri Schiavo, there have been many other highly irregular and outrageous rulings by him, including throwing out Terri's own testimony that she WANTS TO LIVE!!

Mr. Hastert, he had no right to do that! Terri Schiavo is not a convicted criminal. She is simply profoundly disabled. She had a right to have her wishes respected.

Mr. Hastert, if you have been following this case closely, you will also know that her sister Suzanne Vitadamo describes how pleased Terri became when she was told she would be going to Washington, DC to answer her subpoena to the House committee.

Mr. Hastert, Terri is STILL fighting for her life! She is 10 days into her court ordered starvation, but she is hanging on to spite Michael Shiavo and Judge Greer, who both expected her to die days ago. You should know that not only did they order her feeding tube be removed, but that no attempts be made to feed her by mouth, despite nurses' testimony that she CAN eat by mouth. What is this, Auschwitz? Terri is hanging on to dear life in the hope that she WILL be allowed to actually come to Washington to see the House Committee.

Mr. Hastert, here we are, the great United States of America, and we can free 25 million Afghani's from the Taliban tyrrany, and we can free 25 million Iraqis from Saddam Hussain's tyrrany, and we can't free one American citizen from the tyrrany of one megalomaniac county magistrate?

Have all the big international words about Freedom, and all the blood spilled by our troops overseas, meant NOTHING?

Just what does a subpoena by the House mean?

Mr. Hastert, please PLEASE enforce the House subpoena to both Terri Schiavo and Michael Schiavo, or anyone who wants to ever avoid a Congressional subpoena in the future will just go get a county magistrate to nullify it. (...if those hotseat baseball players had only known...)


Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ


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