Medical Power of Attorney?
I never in my life want to designate ANYONE as a medical guardian over me. Even if my mind slips in my old age. I want society and the law to presume I want to eat and drink.
I once had a husband who turned evil, and even if I ever married again I would never want to sign that kind of power over to anyone. Because I just don't trust. People are flawed. The BEST of people are flawed. They can turn on a dime with the right motive, just like Michael Schiavo did (he had a lot of dimes, didn't he). Terri once trusted him, but he found a motive to betray that trust. And all the judges all the way up to the Supreme Court betrayed their own humanity by making her die the way they did. Their motive was their own idolatry for a merciless procedure-bound view of "Law". So, no, really the decision of whether you eat or drink should never be left up to any human being, even a judge. The law (perhaps the constitution itself) should be corrected to specifically spell out a presumption that every human being deserves to eat and drink. In any form.
When I go, I want to die of legitimate natural causes. Lack of food and hydration should NEVER be regarded as a "natural cause" of death. There's time enough to not eat after I'm dead.
That was the first mistake in Florida, don'tcha know, the legislature getting bamboozled by the idea that tube feeding was somehow fundamentally different from feeding by mouth. George Felos is the one who pushed for the legislation in Florida in the late '90's to regard tube feeding as "artificial" and therefore, rejectable/removable. The guy has a taste for blood (just read his book excerpts), and he knew this was his obstacle. When he and Michael Schiavo found each other, it was a match made in heaven, er um, hell. A perfect storm.