Monday, November 21, 2005

'Buddha boy' said to have fasted six months

Article here.

Well, I certainly don't get it. This boy is fasting for 6 months straight, no food, water, or leaving his tree in all that time? I don't understand what spiritual/bodily event is going on here, and why he isn't long dead.

And then I start to wonder, is living life motionless in the crook of a tree... really living? Does God approve of tempting death this way?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Drug Testing for Supreme Court Justices

I was already livid over the Terry Schiavo case. This week's fiasco rulings destroying property rights are no surprise to me.

After the March killing of Terry Schiavo, all I wanted was to have term limits instituted for the Supreme Court, or at least like the Catholic Church for bishops -- a mandatory letter of resignation at the age of 75, and the Church/Pope/President can "consider" whether to "accept it".

But NOW what I want is the mandatory release of the Supreme Court justices' medical records into the PUBLIC record. These snivveling doddery old geezers, I want to know what MEDS they're on.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Governor Bush & President Bush

Regarding the case of murdered Florida 9-year old Jessica Lunsford, Bill O'Reilly tonight thinks he can get a drum beat going to get the feds involved somehow, because the Florida DA is refusing to prosecute those three Charles Addams rejects who were co-occupants of a small trailor with John Cooey while he was holding captive, raping, torturing, and burying her alive. Since the Florida DA doesn't have the cajones to presecute (we don't know why), and Governor Jeb Bush doesn't have the cajones to make the DA do his job (we don't know why), O'Reilly thinks if he keeps pressing and pressing and pressing from his multimedia electronic soapbox, that eventually, the feds will have to do something about pressing charges.

Not on a bet.

I couldn't hold back. I sent him a "pithy comment":

Mr. O'Reilly,

Didn't we learn anything from the Terri Schiavo case? If Jeb Bush won't step in and force Florida state employees to do their jobs in horrible nationally reknown cases such as the Terri Schiavo or Jessica Lunsford case, there is no way on God's earth that George Bush is going to ride in on a white horse, step on Jeb's toes, and send the Feds in instead. It just ain't gonna happen. He won't emasculate his own brother like that.

Ya shoulda known betta.

Suzanne <last name>
<nameyatow, nameyatown, nameyatown>

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Coincidences .... or TELEGRAMS

Donald Herbert is a fireman from Buffalo, N.Y., who got trapped under rubble trying to rescue victims of a fire and became a non-communicating "vegetable" for ten years. (Sound familiar?) All of a sudden he piped up and said, "I want to talk to my wife." And hero Don Herbert said that exactly one month after the starvation-dehydration death of Terri Schiavo.

Read More

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Terri's Parents on Hannity & Fuhrman's new book!

I just was over at BlogsForTerri, and geez, didn't ANYBODY see Terri's whole family on Hannity last night?

They made a MAJOR announcement that Mark Fuhrman is putting out a new book on this!! Mark Fuhrman!!! YAAAAAAAYYYYYY

He doesn't pull any punches. He gets to the bottom of things. HE GETS CONVICTIONS. This whole Schiavo thing is SO waiting for the right pin to burst all the pus out of it.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

e-mail letter to my 6th grade son's teacher

I wrote this last month to my son's teacher, and thought blog readers might find it interesting. You will note that this letter was dated March 29th, two days before Terri Schiavo died.

Subject: Chris' project(s)
Bcc: to Grandma (and now to blogosphere)
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 14:59:14 -0700

Mr. <Language Arts Teacher>,

I want to let you know that Christopher is having alot of trouble working on his Lowry Trilogy project. We know that another iteration of it was due a couple of weeks ago, and yet where he used to be animated in his ideas in getting papers done, he now has ground to a dead halt, where he just sits and stares at it, and nothing comes out. He had told me in the struggle to complete the last round, that in order to get through reading Lois Lowry's books, he had to make himself go numb. I think now it has reached the point, particularly with the horrible current events in the news, that wallowing in Lois Lowry's euthanasia as children's entertainment is just more than this 11 year old boy can handle.

I am kind of at a loss as to how to help him. I believe he can do the work, and that it is only the subject matter that is causing the problem. Being a boy, I think he doesn't like to admit just how sensitive he is. But he is no dummie. He sees how all this is playing out in the real world.

I hope that you might have some suggestions, or at least patience. I think where Chris was going with it was to have a couple of the characters somehow re-educating' the villages involved and saving the day. But now he knows in the real world, that some folks just prefer not to understand, or are even cruel just for the sake of being cruel, and that's hard to process.

Suzanne (last name & phone number)

Recruiting for Culture of Death begins in Middle School

You know, my daughter (now in 9th grade) is more resilliant (within limits) than my son is. (He's now in 6th.) So I didn't really catch on until this year what was going on with the active recruitment of my children into the culture of death. I had thought, fine, if he doesn't want to go to sex-ed, and he doesn't, I'll just let him sign himself out. He doesn't give a cr*p that only a couple of boys out of 50 are not sitting in there absorbing far more information than he needs or is equipped to handle at this stage of his life. But it goes much further than that.

My daughter also liked to sign herself out of sex-ed, but what I didn't realize is that she was also signing herself out of reading assignments of books she didn't like. Too much bad language, killing, and evil child characters? No problem, she'd just ask permission to read a different book, and the teacher, knowing she wasn't just being lazy because she was indeed reading something, would just let her do it. Theresa has a way of ... persuading people. And she wasn't rejecting Harry Potter, which even I love, as the child characters there are striving to overcome evil.

With Christopher, though, I'm really getting my face in it, this active recruiting of young minds into the Culture of Death. Have any of you taken a real hard look at what is being assigned to middle school children in between all the fluffy talking animals of The Redwall Series? I'll tell you! It's Lois Lowry's (Newberry Prize winning, no less) trilogy of "The Giver", "Gathering Blue", & "The Messenger", all three whose central theme is Euthanasia as Children's Entertainment!

As I helped him type up book report after book report, multiple reports on each book -- total immersion don'tcha know -- I found myself more and more shocked at what was coming out of his mouth. Stories of societies who give shots in babies' heads, to kill those babies who have even minor birth defects, and stories of older children rescuing, hiding, and raising younger children, to save them from this fate, and how once old enough, everyone in a society must take a daily pill in order to conform, shut down their minds, (and hearts), to begin participating in this themselves. On and on and on these stories go, cruelty after cruelty, until I finally asked my son, "How DID you manage to get through reading these books?" His answer, "I just go numb to get through it."

But I'll tell you what --- he's now 2 or 3 book reports behind, and failing his class because he can't bring himself to immerse himself in this garbage anymore, and I haven't been able to bring myself to immerse myself in it either to type them for him. So to get him through it, we are going to have to spend a block of concentrated time and just plow out all three, because with his Boys Chorus singing career taking off, he can't afford any bad grades on his report card, or they'll boot him. But now that I'm on to the whole process, we can write anything we want in the book reports.... heh heh heh. And we will. He will learn how to speak up against the Culture of Death. Maybe get his own blog ;-) (Heck, his sister has one.) Chris knows I'm on his side.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Medical Power of Attorney?

I never in my life want to designate ANYONE as a medical guardian over me. Even if my mind slips in my old age. I want society and the law to presume I want to eat and drink.

I once had a husband who turned evil, and even if I ever married again I would never want to sign that kind of power over to anyone. Because I just don't trust. People are flawed. The BEST of people are flawed. They can turn on a dime with the right motive, just like Michael Schiavo did (he had a lot of dimes, didn't he). Terri once trusted him, but he found a motive to betray that trust. And all the judges all the way up to the Supreme Court betrayed their own humanity by making her die the way they did. Their motive was their own idolatry for a merciless procedure-bound view of "Law". So, no, really the decision of whether you eat or drink should never be left up to any human being, even a judge. The law (perhaps the constitution itself) should be corrected to specifically spell out a presumption that every human being deserves to eat and drink. In any form.

When I go, I want to die of legitimate natural causes. Lack of food and hydration should NEVER be regarded as a "natural cause" of death. There's time enough to not eat after I'm dead.

That was the first mistake in Florida, don'tcha know, the legislature getting bamboozled by the idea that tube feeding was somehow fundamentally different from feeding by mouth. George Felos is the one who pushed for the legislation in Florida in the late '90's to regard tube feeding as "artificial" and therefore, rejectable/removable. The guy has a taste for blood (just read his book excerpts), and he knew this was his obstacle. When he and Michael Schiavo found each other, it was a match made in heaven, er um, hell. A perfect storm.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Argentina's Shining Light

In a case nearly identical to Terri Schiavo's, an Argentinian court has ruled to presume that everyone wants to be, and ought to be, fed. Story here.

Some commenters on that page thought such a post would only insult American judges, since Argentinian law carries no authority here.

But hey, this isn't about Argentina courts having any sway over American courts. This is about exposing which countries have good human rights records, and which countries have poor human rights records. I live in the U.S., where obviously we have begun publicly starving our disabled citizens to death. I will never again feel the same about my country, where individual's human rights are so easily set asside. I've written to European friends how ashamed I am of my country now.

Something has disasterously broken down here, and we have to fix it. If Argentina's presumption that everyone wants to be and should be fed can be a shining light for us, then so be it.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Beth Gaddy Schiavo

So, the news now is that Mae Magouirk has been moved to a cardiac specialist hospital in Alabama, UAB, who were shocked to find it took them two days to adequately rehydrate her after her maltreatment at the hands of that death-camp-hospice, before they could tend to the rest of her medical needs. However, her grandaughter, who only had very limited guardianship in Georgia is trying to assert herself in Alabama, by denying any of Mae's Alabama relatives from visiting her --- even her own sister who is being treated in the very same hospital for the very same cardiac problem (leaky aorta).

Story here.


I suggest this to her Alabama kin:

So hey, call Mae on the phone and have her wheel down to the 7th floor to sister Lonnie's room and visit =her= instead. Oh, unless darling grandaughter ripped out the room phone... and is putting police at her door. So Nephew Mullinex, have a gift cell phone delivered to your Aunt Mae. Better include some bottled water just in case.

Unless they are STILL drugging her into unconsciousness, there is no reason for her to be totally incommunicado.

Oh, and since darling grandaughter has even less legal standing in Alabama than she had in Georgia (just when DOES that temporary and limited guardianship expire?), I must ASSUME you have your own lawyers, and lawyers for Mae, making appropriate legal filings in Alabama. Hmmmmm?

I do believe that darling grandaughter is SOOOOO afraid that Aunt Mae will actually sign a paper actually designating a medical guardian BY NAME, that she is trying to keep anyone out who might be carrying paperwork.

God forbid she live long enough to change her Will too, now.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Stavation of the weak already woven into our society

Granddaughter yanks grandma's feeding tube
81-year-old neither terminally ill, comatose, nor in vegetative state

Her "Living Will" requesting food & water be damned.

article here.


I think I'm gonna throw up.

Get all the names and addresses to scream about it at BlogsForTerri.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Are you laughing yet?

CBS not planning
Schiavo movie

Story attributed to Variety originally ran as April Fool's joke

Posted: April 6, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005

... rest of article here.


Me neither.

Monday, April 04, 2005

What next? Judicial Term Limits!

I would have to say first, that with Terri, the laws were already in place to save her life. What killed her was the wanton arrogant disregard for those laws, by the malicious and spiteful Judge Greer, followed by the repeated rubber stamping by every mentally and spiritually lazy judge over him that should have reined him in.

So. My first proposal, and I am composing letters to all my senators and representatives concerning this, is term limits for all federal judges, to be followed by all state and county judges. Many of us had already believed the courts have been way out of control shoving abortion down our throughts for the last 32 years. That's "Democracy"?? B*S*.

In Terri's case, nobody expected a sworn judge to so brazenly break the law, and then call his own illegal rulings "law". No food or water by mouth, for God's sake? So the Governor and President just didn't know what to do with him, and jointly let his evil stand. Frankly, they should have known what to do, but that's why we already have term limits for Presidents and most (if not all) Governors. They will be gone soon enough (actually not soon enough for me).

What we witnessed here were multiple people in lifetime appointments having completely lost sight of their humanity. Cold calculating "Law". No mercy, no compassion. I had always believed the "Law" was to serve mankind, not mankind to serve the "Law". So "Law" has been elevated to the level of diety, and that's idolatry.

Because the stone heartedness of so many upper level judges was exposed in this, it is plain to me that no person who holds a lifetime appointment in a position of "God of the Three Branches of Government", can long retain sight of his own humanity, can long retain his soul. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I would really like to see a huge national push for term limits for judges, including limits on perpetually re-electing county probate magistrates who have their fingers in lots of pots and owing lots of favors.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Well Hell's Bells, Mel!

Re: Mel Gibson blasts Florida Bishop Lynch for not defending Terri
Article Here.

Well hell's bells, Mel. American Catholics have long learned to be cynical and expect very little from American bishops and cardinals in the fight for life and human dignity in this country, over abortion, and now over euthanasia. It has been ever thus, that the laity lead the charge, and only when the train pulls out of the station do the clergy pick up their skirts and run after us, if then. This is nothing new. Perhaps you are only surprised because you grew up in Australia. We love you, Mel, but the American Church has been rotting from the inside for decades now.

Perhaps that's why the Vatican itself spoke out. It knew the leadership of the American Church was too lukewarm (see Rev. 3:15-17) to take any stand at all. Ya know what I heard from the altar this past Easter, while all of us were being slapped up and down by the courts? A schlock homily of "Rest Easy, Be Happy, God is in Control". Sure He is, but Terri was still suffering brutally 10 days into it, and we were all suffering with her. Would he have told the Mother of God to essentially get over it and abandon following her Son on His Way of the Cross?

No, only JUSTICE for TERRI will comfort me.

Mel, we love you, but I'm sorry you are surprised by all this.

Suggestion to the Schindlers --- Use a Sketch Artist

I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter and sister. My prayers have been and will be with you all.

I really want justice for Terri, and I had an idea you may or may not like. Since Felos is such an evil creep trying to spin how 'beautiful' Terri was to him as she lay dying, have any of you (including Father Pavone) considered working with a sketch artist, to make the truth known? Michael and Felos have been relying on lack of visuals to spin their web of deceipt, but they can't erase the truth of what all of you saw.

God bless you all, and I know Terri is with the Pope himself this evening.

Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

Run, Jodi, Run!

Sherri said:
> I bet he doesn't marry Jodi.

Whattaya wanna bet she doesn't marry him. Would YOU want to hand Michael Schiavo that kind of power over you? We all know what he did with the power over his first wife.

Jodi, honey, if you're reading this, please save yourself. Take your children and RUN. Disappear. Change your name. Do it while he has no legal claims on you. Long term, the lives you save may be your own. Some of us have been there with control-freaks. We know he must make your life a living hell. None of us would blame you in the least -- in fact, we'd cheer you!! Go girl!

Terri the TV Movie

CBS is rushing a Terri Schiavo TV Movie into production just in time for May Sweeps. See article here. God, it's already April.

Are we disgusted enough yet?

CBS -- not exactly dedicated to the truth.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri, your loss is our loss

We all SOOO wanted to see you learn to talk and maybe even walk again, to see someone as beautiful as you overcome the mountainous hurdles you had, with the help you so completely deserved. God willing, I will get to meet you some day. Incredibly, Michael is the one who has the bigger loss today. You were murdered. But he is a murderer. He's lost it all.

Kiss Jesus for me, please.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Terri still refusing to die

God bless her, the only way she can assert herself against that troika of monsters, Schiavo, Felos, & Greer, is to simply REFUSE TO DIE.

The absolute horror of this situation will stick with me the rest of my life. The American soul has been raped by the three of them, in forcing us to not only watch, but to participate through our government in legally sanctioning it.

But the crtical mistake they are making is in exposing just how evil this starving to death of the incompetent really is, and how often it happens. The goal is, of course, to "normalize it", take it out of the shadows, and make it widely "accepted". Like abortion. But of course, most people aren't that stupid. Whereas some people could be fooled into butchering their own unborn children "because they couldn't see them", it's a lot harder to get someone to go along with the program when they can see that you want to starve their own mother to death right in front of their eyes. On a wide scale, that is indeed the plan. The very elequent Becki Snow who has been doing a sympathetic hunger/water strike with Terri Schiavo (but finally had to break the water strike to save herself) puts it this way:

Now I know this: dehydration is brutal, it's barbaric, and no one should
be forced to die this way, in pain. Oooh, Terri doesn't feel pain, you say. Well, even on the off chance that you are wrong about the pain, let us not forget the thousands of people who have died this way in nursing homes and hospices who have happened to be able to feel pain just fine,thank you. Their only crime was, they were old and in the way of a fat inheritance. My new handler, Marcy, watch her own mother died this way after a relative seized her power of attorney, and her story is gruesome beyond words. Her mom died in her arms after 14 days of Hell on Earth, moaning for water. Even though Marcy wanted to care for her mother, and her mother wanted to live, it made no difference. Once the authorities have determined that you need to die, you will die. Terri's is the test case for going legal with this process, since she left no living will, and no one really knows what she wants. It's not just about her - it's about all of us. But no one will stop the process once it starts, ya know; it's painless, ya know, right? The Doctors say so. I guess Doctors are gods now, they are able to read minds and be all right all the time. Sure.

It makes me sick now, all the endless drumbeat by the main stream media that all that went wrong here was that at the age of 26, Terri had left no living will. Can't they see the obvious by now that even if she had, Michael would have burned it and said she hadn't??


My mother went in for a very common surgery about 8 years ago. In the myriad of paperwork they had her signing the day before was a small sheet of paper that said should anything go wrong, the hospital would have the right to starve her to death. No consulting the family, much less sending her home for the family to feed her. My mother was quite roused to anger and blurted out, "I'm not signing that!" The nurse at the desk was totally surprised and befuddled, "But EVERYBODY signs that." My mother replied, "So what! There's no way in HELL I'm signing that!" At which point the nurse went away to, ahem, consult with her supervisors as to what to do. She came back and said, "OK, then, write across it, 'REFUSED TO SIGN', and initial your refusal." My mom: "You're DAMN right."

Terri can't "REFUSE TO SIGN", so she is simply REFUSING TO DIE.

God help her.

"Living Will" vs "Will to Live"

A "Living Will" is horrific thing. All it does is have you freeze the state of medicine in your mind, and carve in stone that you don't want any new and marvelous treatments should something untoward befall your "capacity to make decisions" in the next 10, 20, or 30 years. And it gives arrogant medical personal any excuse to just label your prognosis "futile" and sentence you to an Auschwitz-like starvation bunker experience. My God, how absurd is that? Suppose in 6 years they find a way to snap their fingers, resynch your brainwaves, and snap you out of a coma or vegetative state? Suppose your medical crisis occurs 5 years from now instead of 6. Since you didn't specifically spell out in your "Living Will" that you would want to be fed until the treatment became available, or God forbid that you even might WANT the treatment, they're going to dispose of yout like a piece of garbage?

All a "Living Will" does is let you choose to die. It lets you list, ad-nauseum, all the treatments you "don't want". Well, suppose you DO want whatever's available, INCLUDING food and water delivered by whatever means possible, without some self-ordained ivory tower bio-ethicist, who doesn't even know you, trying to pressure your family into withholding it from you. Well, there is an alternative to the "Living Will", and that is the "Will to Live", for which templates are available here.

And be sure to cross out any of the lines you've intentionally left blank, lest some ivory tower self-appointed god try to, ahem, "insert" something after you've already signed it.

Monday, March 28, 2005

letter to Sen. Michael Enzi

(I apologize to readers for the graphic visual imagery in this post. I wanted the addressees to feel Americans' horror at these events and act.)


Senator Enzi,

Regarding Terri Schiavo, the HORROR of the very real possibility that a conscious but disabled American is being starved and dehydrated to death by court order within the borders of our own country, calls for all of the unanswered questions to be answered! How can this happen in America? Who is in charge?

She is being dried up like a petunia in the desert, turned into a piece of living shoe leather right in front of her mother's eyes, while all of America watches in horror. Nurses have testified that she can eat by mouth, yet the court ordered starvation forbids even the attempt.

What is this, Auschwitz?

Have our troops, who have been spilling their blood in the name of American freedom, been doing so in vain? We can save millions of middle eastern people from tyranny, but we can't even save one disabled American citizen from a tyrant judge who chooses to flout Congressional subpoena and disregard Terri's own testimony, witnessed and sworn to by Attorney Barbara Weller, that proves that Ms. Schiavo is neither PVS nor wants to die.

Senator Enzi, if most Americans were only vaguely aware of this case two weeks ago, they are massively aware of it now, and want their questions answered. How did we get dragged into having our government participate in and sanction such a cruel and gruesome killing of one of our own citizens? PLEASE reinstate the Congressional subpoenas and schedule hearings into this whole matter.

The highest testimony that Terri Schiavo is givng to us right now is that she is simply refusing to die, 11 days into this nightmare starvation. Congress can act again still, to save her life, and Americans now won't rest until we have the answers to how we got into this.


Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

to Sen. Arlen Spector and Rep. Michael Fitzpatrick

(I apologize to readers for the graphic visual imagery in this post. I wanted the addressees to feel Americans' horror at these events and act.)


Senator Spector and Representative Fitzpatrick:

Please support reinstating the subpoenas for Terri Schiavo, et all, to appear before the committe on Health, Education, Labor and Pension . Since the subpoenas were first issued, Judge Greer has not only flouted his complete contempt for Congress, but sworn testimony has now been entered into the record, by Attorney Barbara Weller, that she witnessed Terri Schiavo try to speak to save herself the day her feeding tube was removed. This exposes to all of America that Ms. Schiavo is neither PVS, nor wants to die, despite her handicapped state.

Now that we know this, Americans have many many unanswered questions as to how we got dragged into this, having our government participate in and sanction, the Auschwitz-like starvation and dehydration killing of this helpless woman, who has committed no crime.

She is being dried up like a petunia in the desert, turned into a piece of living shoe leather in front of her mother's eyes, while all America watches in horror. But her testimony that she wants to live is overwhelming in that even now, 11 days into her cruel waterless starvation, she simply is refusing to die.

Congressman Fitzpatrick, please support reissuing the congressional subpoenas, immediately taking Terri Schiavo into witness protection, and saving her life. Even if two weeks ago most Americans were only vaguely aware of the issues here, they are certainly aware of them now, and we need to have our questions answered as to how we got to this point. What are our troops spilling blood for overseas, if this can go on at home?


Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

Cat survives 44 days w/o food or water

Cat survives 44 days locked in a dresser drawer without food or water: article here.

This kind of thing gives me hope for Terri's survival, that she will hang on long enough to spit in Michael's face, and long enough for all the courts and all the executives and all the legislators to get so tired of watching her suffer, that they will suffer so much in watching her, that one of them will finally stand up and say ENOUGH.

The fact that the cat was closed in a closed dark place with no airflow to accellerate dehydration probably extended the amount of time it was able to survive. The fact that Terri's room has been closed and the shades drawn, with no warm Florida breezes blowing through, could possibly be aiding in her ability to hang on so long.

God help her.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Mr, Delay, enforce the House subpoena

Mr. Delay,

Count me as one who is absolutely HORRIFIED by the events of the past week. I am outraged at Judge Greer's nullifying of the Congressional Subpoena for Terri Schiavo, and I'm absolutely disgusted at his utter arrogance in rejecting her recent self-stated wish to live (as stated in Attorney Barbara Weller's sworn affidavit). He used pure spite in ordering her starved to death anyway. Mr. Delay, nurses have testified that Terri can eat by mouth, yet Judge Greer has forbidden anyone to even attempt that either.

What is this, Auschwitz?

My God, what are our troops spilling blood for in the middle east, saving millions from horrific tyrannies, if we cannot (or will not) stop such tyrannies within our own borders?

Mr. Delay, Terri Schiavo is not going willingly. She is in her 10th day of court ordered starvation, FIGHTING to thwart her estranged husband's and megalomaniac judge's wish to see her dead. All she needs is a hand up from the U.S. Congress, to step in and stop this horror show, by enforcing its own subpoenas!

If congress does NOT enforce its own subpoenas, then anyone who wishes to avoid a subpoena will learn that they can just have a county magistrate somewhere nullify it. If those hesitant baseball players had only known...


Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

Mr. Kolbe, please enforce House subpoenas

Mr. Kolbe,

As you are probably aware from current news events, Terri Schiavo and Michael Schiavo were both subpoenaed to appear before a House congressional committee, but that those subpoenas were nullified by Florida Pinellas county magistrate Judge Greer. You are also probably aware that in the intervening days, Attorney Barbara Weller, at risk to her entire career, has submitted a sworn affidavit to the court that Terri Schiavo tried to speak to save herself on the day her feeding tube was removed, attempting to pronounce the words "I want to live." That affidavit can be viewed here -

Mr. Kolbe, no matter what her wishes were ruled to have been over 15 years ago, Terri Schiavo's current wishes must take precidence. She is NOT a convicted criminal. She has a right to live! She is simply a profoundly disabled woman who chooses to interact with her blood relatives, and not interact with her husband, the very man who very possibly is the original cause of her disability. (See the investigations at The Empire Journal ).

Mr. Kolbe, all the news media would have us believe that Americans only care about running out and getting their own living wills. But what any Americans who are aware of the vagueness of Terri's "PVS" diagnosis (reached with no MRI or PET scan whatsoever), and who are aware of her most recent declaration that she wants to live, see a HUGE injustice being carried out against a disabled American citizen, by an outrageous megolomaniac county magistrate, who is acting in complete Contempt of Congress.

Now 10 days into her court ordered starvation, Terri Schiavo is hanging on to dear life to spite Michael Schiavo and Judge Greer, who had expected and hoped for her to die days ago. This is a woman who is NOT going willingly. Her only crime is how she has been made to eat all these years, although several nurses have testified that she is able to be spoon fed. Yet, Judge Greer has ordered that no one may even attempt to feed Terri Schiavo by mouth. What is this, Auschwitz? What are our troops spilling blood for overseas in defense of "freedom", if this kind of horror can go on within our own borders?

Please Mr. Kolbe, please support and encourage Speaker Hastert in enforcing the Congressional subpoenas! If Congress does not act, in the future anyone who does not want to answer a House subpoena can simply have a county magistrate nullify it. If those hesitant baseball players had only known!

All of America has fallen in love with the sweet smile of Terri Schiavo, and if Congress fails to act again, and act very decisively to enforce its subpoenas and stop this horror show, there will be a huge wailing of grief and outrage, the likes of which we have not seen since 9/11/2001 --- precisely because through our government, we have all been made to participate in Terri Schiavo's extremly cruel killing.

Please support enforcing the subpoenas.


Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

Gov. Bush, Save her, then resign.

Governor Bush,

I know you feel strongly that you do not want to violate a court
order, and I know you feel strongly that you have to answer to God
Himself and save an innocent person who's been cruelly
condemned. You certainly want to face yourself in the morning.

So I have a solution for you that won't be easy, but it can be

Save her, then resign.

My prayers are with you.

Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

to the Speaker of the House

Mr. Hastert,

Concerning Terri Schiavo, if you read the investigative reports available at The Empire Journal , you will see that besides the Contempt of Congress that Judge Greer committed by nullifying Congress' subpoena to Terri Schiavo, there have been many other highly irregular and outrageous rulings by him, including throwing out Terri's own testimony that she WANTS TO LIVE!!

Mr. Hastert, he had no right to do that! Terri Schiavo is not a convicted criminal. She is simply profoundly disabled. She had a right to have her wishes respected.

Mr. Hastert, if you have been following this case closely, you will also know that her sister Suzanne Vitadamo describes how pleased Terri became when she was told she would be going to Washington, DC to answer her subpoena to the House committee.

Mr. Hastert, Terri is STILL fighting for her life! She is 10 days into her court ordered starvation, but she is hanging on to spite Michael Shiavo and Judge Greer, who both expected her to die days ago. You should know that not only did they order her feeding tube be removed, but that no attempts be made to feed her by mouth, despite nurses' testimony that she CAN eat by mouth. What is this, Auschwitz? Terri is hanging on to dear life in the hope that she WILL be allowed to actually come to Washington to see the House Committee.

Mr. Hastert, here we are, the great United States of America, and we can free 25 million Afghani's from the Taliban tyrrany, and we can free 25 million Iraqis from Saddam Hussain's tyrrany, and we can't free one American citizen from the tyrrany of one megalomaniac county magistrate?

Have all the big international words about Freedom, and all the blood spilled by our troops overseas, meant NOTHING?

Just what does a subpoena by the House mean?

Mr. Hastert, please PLEASE enforce the House subpoena to both Terri Schiavo and Michael Schiavo, or anyone who wants to ever avoid a Congressional subpoena in the future will just go get a county magistrate to nullify it. (...if those hotseat baseball players had only known...)


Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

Saturday, March 26, 2005

subpoena Greer's Clerks

Gov. Bush,

May I respectfully suggest you subpoena Judge Greer's clerks. I have a very strong hunch that two rulings were prepared --- one if she died overnight and one if she didn't.

Had she died by noon, Greer would have ruled, "feeding tube back in, oh well, too late, moot".

If she lived to noon, Greer would have ruled, as he did, that the feeding tube stays out.

He is hiding something. He is covering up something. Terri has to die for him to succeed in hiding it.

Subpoena the clerks for copies of the alternate ruling. Prove he tried to wait for her to die by noon. Find out what he's covering. Use your Governor's office to Intimidate a few law clerks.


Suzanne (last name)
Tucson, AZ

Friday, March 25, 2005

she waaaaants to live!!

To Florida DCF (

The affidavit testimony of Attorney Barbara Weller that Terri tried to say "I want to live" has been played all over the country now on cable news television. I read it myself a week ago, and peppered all the media with suggestions they interview Barbara Weller, including one reporter who wrote back and said he didn't believe me.

I don't understand why it was only put in Judge Greer's face today, but now it has indeed been entered as court evidence. We are watching and heartbroken all over America, that the courts have been so stone hearted, and the police guarding the hospice are "only following orders". Such a defense ultimately didn't hold up in the trials of Nazi war criminals, and it's not holding up in the court of American public opinion today.

Please ask your Dr. Cheshire and Dr. Hammesfahr if the reason that Terri performs/interacts with her parents and their lawyers, but essentially plays deaf, dumb, and dead for her estranged husband and his team, could be because in her brain-damaged state she has reverted to the state of a young pre-verbal child. Such young children will frequently distinguish between people, and only "come to" people they know and trust and sense love from, and totally clam up for people they don't trust. I'm a mom myself - I've seen this behavior hundreds of times.

If by some miracle Terri is saved from this ordeal, I think it would be a wonderful new area for neurological experts to explore --- the influence of real love in improving the interactions of brain-damaged people.

With Barbara Weller's testimony now in front of all of the world, isn't there ANYTHING you can do?

Heartbroken in Tucson, AZ,

Suzanne (last name)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Constitutional showdown at High Noon EST


The Empire Journal

Get off the blogosphere and go tune in!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

DCF's Petition Today

Today's DCF Petition to Sixth Circuit
in and for Penellas County, FL

Petition/Motion for Intervention

Dr. Cheshire's Affidavit attached to DCF petition

I got these from the front page of DCF's web site


11 District Court rules against her AGAIN??

My God, what cowards. Everybody's so afraid of one helpless disabled woman. The shame of it. The mighty United States brought to a constitutional crisis over one bedridden woman who is owned like an animal by one evil massa-husband.

All our big talk and blood spilled in Iraq in the name of "Freedom" mean NOTHING.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Constitutional Crisis over one Disabled Woman

My, how God brings down the arrogant and mighty.

The United States of America is in a constitutional crisis over one abused, victimized, disabled woman. All the world watches as we can bring down Saddam Hussain, but we can't bring down one rogue unjust and evil judge within our own borders.

May the culture of life prevail.

I was stunned and horrifed to this morning that the judge refused to step in and help that poor woman. Thank God at least FoxNews has finally gotten with it and gotten some people on who know what they're talking about. It's plain somebody knocked Mort Kondracki upside the head, because he got ALOT smarter over the weekend. And after we'd all watched his wife's story of death by Parkinson's in last Sunday's movie, "Saving Millie". Millie had said she would refuse a feeding tube, but in the end she accepted one, and Mort had 3 more years with her because of it. Thank God Mort loved her and let her have her feeding tube.

Monday, March 21, 2005

What is Terri Seeing?

From Attorney Barbara Weller's beautiful account of Terri trying to speak to save herself on Friday, is this little noticed paragraph near the end of the article, about Terri trying to speak yet again, this time happily agitated at the name of Jesus:

Just before I left the room, I leaned over Terri and spoke right into her ear. I told her I was very sorry I had not been able to stop the feeding tube from being taken out and I was very sorry I had to leave her alone. But I reminded her that Jesus would stay right by her side even when no one else was there with her. When I mentioned Jesus' Name, Terri again laughed out loud. She became very agitated and began loudly trying to speak to me again. As Terri continued to laugh and try to speak, I quietly prayed in her ear, kissed her, placed her in Jesus? care, and left the room.

It makes me really wonder --- angels came and waited on Jesus, during his agony in the garden in anticipation of his crucifixion.

I do believe there are people in the world having real visions of visitors from heaven. Just what WAS Terri trying to tell Barbara there? What IS she seeing?

Internet is starving Main Stream Media to death

There is a REASON MSNBC's ratings are soooooo low.  People know they are being lied to, and they just don't waste the time watching them anymore.  Nor CNN.

Nor ABC, NBC, or ... heh heh heh.... CBS.

I'd like to hear how BBC's interview with BlogsForTerri went last night.  Europe knows bloggers brought down the hallowed Dan Rather.  Europeans now have figured out that the power of the internet (and you blessed bloggers) have lifted up Terri Schiavo.

Ignore MSNBC's nasty little article against PVS patients recovering. I guarantee you, MORE people heard Kate Adamson's amazing story (of coming out of diagnosed PVS) on Sean Hannity's radio show 2 or 3 days ago, than will ever read MSNBC's piece of trash.

I love these stories:

Kate Adamson, formerly diagnosed PVS, now largely recovered
and she's got a beautiful brand new header on that web site!

Rus Cooper-Dowda, Florida teacher formerly diagnosed PVS, fired for supporting Terri Schiavo on her own time:
her recovery story here:

Susan Edsell's story of her father's recovery from severe stroke, in order to get back into the cockpit:

And of course the Sarah Scantlin case.

Anyway, I love it.  The Internet is killing main stream media.... with a slow excruciating death, starved to death of viewers.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Terri has an infection! PLEASE MOVE NOW!

Mr. President and Mr. Governor,

Terri now has a high fever and infection from the vicious way those monsters yanked her feeding tube out!! This is EXACTLY what they wanted, and she will be cremated before we even know she's dead!! My God, My God, will you two PLEASE flip a coin as to which of you is going to take her into protective custody!?!

We are watching and crying all over America!!

God Bless you brothers. Terri needs you to ACT!!!

Suzanne (last name)

letter to Rep. Jim Kolbe re Terri Schiavo

Mr. Kolbe,

Please do everything you can to defend the life of Terri Schiavo from being starved to death. According to a first hand witness account, by one of the Schinders' attorneys, Terri SPOKE on Friday, trying to save herself. You can read that account here:

Therefore, this is not a "right to die" case. Terri herself wants to live!

I'm tellin' you, all of America feels raped by Michael Schiavo, George Felose, and Judge Greer, who are asking us to stand by and twiddle our thumbs while our government overules Terri's wishes and our wishes, and starves an innocent woman to death. What are we dying for in Iraq if we have Starvation Bunkers within our own borders?

Please strongly defend Terri's life, and strongly oppose Rep. Earl Blumenaur of Oregon (the state that kills the sick and infirm), who wants to force us all to stand by while one rogue judge thumbs his nose at all of us to kill Terri Schiavo.

Thank you very much,

Suzanne (last name)